Friday, October 3, 2008


I got sidetracked by my virus yesterday,  but I feel better, so let's get back to those posts. 

Both these are done with challenge kits from ET Scraps

The first is a photo I took of Brandon Lee's grave shortly after he died, before the permanent marker was ready. For those who don't know him, he was the son of the martial arts legend Bruce Lee, and is buried next to him here in Seattle.

The second is a photo of my son and daughter in law's wedding five years ago. She had spent time in Japan, and members of her host family came out here for the wedding.

The caption reads, "Our Aunties came all the way from Osaka just for us".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello DeadRose,
Thanks for the entry. Would it be allright for me to post the pictures in my blog?

How can I send you the links?If you can email
I will send you the links.
